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High website conversion rates are a sign of an effective marketing strategy. Moreover, website conversions are a clear indicator that what you’re doing in terms of attracting and getting website visitors to do what you want them to do once they arrive at your site is working.

Website conversion is the process of someone landing on a web page and taking the desired action. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that complete an action, such as signing up for a newsletter.

Unfortunately, conversion rates for companies are lower than many business owners might expect. eCommerce businesses alone have an average rate of 1.53%.

As a business owner or marketer you may be asking yourself—how can I improve my website conversion rates toward increased growth and revenue?

Start by implementing the following tips to accumulate new leads while boosting conversions.

Understand the Importance of Website Conversion

As previously mentioned, website conversions involve visitors to your site taking some sort of action. Examples include signing up for an email newsletter or filling out a contact form. Ultimately, the goal of most business websites is to bring in more customers, generate conversions, and bring in new revenue.

Here are further examples of website conversions:

  • Signing up for email newsletters
  • Visiting specific pages on your website
  • Filling in a contact form
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Sharing on social media
  • Trying a demo
  • Purchasing a product or service
  • Starting or renewing a subscription
  • Making a repeat purchase

Accordingly, masonry professionals or orthodontists might focus on encouraging website visitors to make an appointment. Furthermore, entrepreneurs selling handmade products would likely aim to make a sale.

Moreover, websites can have various places for conversions and more than one goal. Marketing companies might have service pages, e-books, an email newsletter, and so on.

For all intents and purposes, two types of conversions exist: micro-conversions and macro-conversions. Micro conversions are the steps a user takes toward an end goal. Examples of micro-conversions include watching a product video or clicking on a link to end up on a web page.

On the other hand, macro-conversions refer to major goals, such as turning a visitor into a paying customer.

Calculating Website Conversion Rate

Calculating conversion rates reveal which parts of a sales strategy work. Moreover, businesses learn what part of the marketing plan requires adjustments.

Calculating the conversion rate on a business website is relatively simple. First, find how many total people visit the website and how many take the desired action. Then, plug the information into a simple formula.

Here’s the formula for conversion rates:

Conversion rate = conversions/total visitors x 100

Let’s look at a simple example. Harry’s plant store brought in 100 website visitors, and 5 of those visitors converted. Therefore, Harry has a conversion rate of 5%.

Only by knowing the current conversion rate can businesses track success and improve.

Know the Two Types of Conversion Rates

Looking over a website’s metrics will reveal information about the traffic. Two key metrics to keep an eye on are the conversion rates for new visitors and returning visitors.

New visitor conversion rates are first-time users landing on a page that take an action. Meanwhile, returning visitor conversions are those that have returned to buy or take another action.

Returning visitors may come back to a website for many reasons, such as completing a sale. Repeat customers are one sign of a successful business.

So, what’s the benefit of returning customers if they’ve already made a purchase from you?

For one, acquiring new customers costs a business more as your likely spending marketing dollars on acquiring and converting new leads. Companies must drive traffic rather than sell to returning customers. Moreover, repeat customers benefit a business as they spend 67% more on average.

Repeat consumers are already prepared to convert and likely have a goal in mind, such as buying an item. Successful companies will track these two conversion rates and aim to improve them.

Use Conversion Rate Optimization

Website design plays a vital role in creating conversions. Poor design may result in visitors that can’t find service pages, where to find a contact form or how to reach you via phone. Additionally, weak CTAs won’t compel customers to act, consequently failing to increase conversion rates.

Designing your website around conversion rate optimization is the solution.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of designing a website that turns visitors into customers. Designing the ideal website to facilitate this goal requires understanding the customer journey. Moreover, optimization requires tailoring a website to suit a particular company’s purpose.

CRO begins with understanding the target audience, which involves some market research. Creating a customer persona is the next step and also a useful tactic for all businesses to follow.

Web designers use these and other techniques to boost conversion rates.

Conversion rate optimization may include adding a pop-up with a CTA, for instance. However, getting conversions from a pop-up requires balancing effective marketing with visibility. Annoying pop-ups may result in visitors leaving instead, thereby having the opposite effect.

Website design might involve CTAs, video, enhancing contact forms, and search engine optimization. All these techniques improve conversion rates.

Website designers know which techniques work and how to target customers.

Test and Track Analytics

Regular testing and tracking of web analytics reveal how well certain strategies work. When a website pop-up doesn’t result in more conversions, it’s time to tweak the design or message. Testing different strategies might include adjusting the message or changing the colors.

Additionally, performing a website audit improves SEO rankings and boosts conversions.

Only by testing and tracking analytics can businesses improve metrics and conversion rates.

Discovering the ideal conversion strategy will take time and some trial and error. Nevertheless, there are many proven methods to start raising conversion rates. One example is content marketing which encourages more loyal customers.

Devise a Winning Business Marketing Strategy

Using the above tips is sure to improve website conversion rates. Plus, any business owner can implement them regardless of industry. However, success is best achieved with the help of a digital marketing and design company.

Allow VujaDay Creative Digital Agency to be that expert team. We can assist with increasing conversion rates and optimizing your business website. See what we can build together, and send us a message today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]