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Why Your Business Needs SEO

By May 19, 2022November 20th, 2023No Comments

why your business needs SEO

Did you know that only one in three small businesses has a written SEO strategy? Do you know how your website is ranking these days? Or do you wonder why your business needs SEO?

If this describes your situation, then you’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn why organic traffic from search is so important to growing your business. Plus, we’ll share our top tips when it comes to SEO for business.

How SEO Works

Generally speaking, the practice of SEO, or search engine optimization, includes implementing different strategies and best practices in order to improve where your website ranks in the SERPs. We’ll jump into best practices later in this article, but let’s start by outlining the key factors to how SEO works.

Different facets of SEO include on-page, off-page, as well as technical SEO. On-page SEO refers to anything on your business’ website such as articles you’ve published, improving your site speed, and keywords you’re targeting.

Off-page SEO includes strategies implemented outside of your website. Additionally, this can include posting on other blogs, social media marketing, and influencer marketing. It’s important to remember the connection that SEO and social media have for your off-page strategies.

Finally, technical SEO has to do with factors such as your core vitals, building site maps, using the right URL structure, and designing a mobile-friendly site. This is where SEO and web design become interconnected factors. It’s also important to create a great user experience on your website so you keep your visitors on your site longer.

All three aspects of your SEO strategy are important. Therefore, they require attention as you create your overall strategy.

Why Your Business Needs SEO

Marketing businesses online takes time along with investment. However, when done right, your work can pay off for years to come.

Consequently, business owners find that their SEO strategy can lower costs in terms of acquiring new customers. It also allows your lead generation strategies to succeed long after you’ve done the work.

Builds Your Authority

Usually, the first benefit that our customers find is that their SEO efforts pay off in building their authority within their industry. Your customers want to work with companies they know, like, and trust rather than be sold to. When done right, your website can offer that level of confidence to your potential prospective clients.

More Affordable Than Paid Ads

You might have started out running paid advertisements on your social media platforms as well as the various search engines. This tactic works great for a while, but there is a downside.

It can become difficult to scale without also increasing your investment over time. Conversely, with search engine optimization, you’ll find it more affordable over the long run to bring in traffic.

Brings Quality Traffic with Quality Leads

Bringing in new traffic isn’t valuable if you’re attracting the wrong type of leads. Moreover, when you write articles about topics that your ideal audience is already searching for, you’ll find that you naturally bring in high-quality traffic that leads to high-quality leads.

Easily Scalable

When it comes to SEO, execution is key to taking your results to the next level. Your efforts will compound over time. As your older content starts to rank, you’ll find that your new content ranks as well. Nevertheless, you’ll quickly find that it’s much easier to scale your SEO strategy over other marketing options.

Can Be Measured

Another benefit of SEO is that it can be measured. When you build your SEO strategy, you’ll want to track your efforts.

With this in mind, continue to do more of what’s working. SEO is easily measured in terms of how much traffic visits your website. Look at what articles receive more clicks in conjunction with where your quality leads come from.

Accordingly, take the time to measure these results so you can easily track the return on investment that search engine optimization can bring to your business.

How to Build Your SEO Strategy

You’ll want to create the right digital marketing strategy from the beginning. Keep these best practices in mind as you start.

Know Where You Currently Stand

Before starting, take the time to analyze where you currently stand with your SEO strategy, efforts, and results. What articles are already ranking as well as what topics do they cover? What articles are currently on page two of the SERPs that could easily move up to page one with some concentrated work?

Rather than making the mistake of jumping in without first stepping back to assess what you currently have, answer these types of questions. Then you can begin with the quick wins so you can enjoy more results faster.

Determine Your End Goals

Again, it can be tempting to jump into keyword research or work with influencers right away. However, what is your end goal from these efforts? Do you want to build more leads, or will you focus on closing the sale right away?

In order to answer these questions, you’ll need to take into consideration your industry. In the B2B industry, you’ll want to create more content that builds authority while also focusing on improving the trust factor.

However, in the e-commerce industry, you’ll likely enjoy a shorter buyer’s journey with your customers. In that case, focus on better product descriptions or reaching out to influencers.

Write for Readers, Not the Bots

Our biggest factor to remember as you begin to create content for your website is to write for your readers. Yes, you want to improve your rankings in the search pages, so you need to keep the search bots in mind. But in the end, you’re writing content that needs to speak to your ideal audience.

Answer the questions that are most pressing to them. Solve their problems while also demonstrating how your product or service can improve their lives. This will help you increase your conversions coupled with growing your business.

Outsource and Scale

You’re a busy business owner who doesn’t have time to continually monitor your current page rankings, backlinks, or mentions on social media. You have a business to run. Instead, outsource your SEO strategy by working with an expert.

Working with an expert on your strategy can shorten the time it takes to increase your rankings so you can grow your business.

Grow Your Business and Your Brand with SEO

It’s easy to understand why your business needs SEO to grow your brand online. Organic traffic can provide your business with vital new leads every day.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, then reach out to us today. We’ll show you how we can help you create and then implement your SEO strategy so you can begin to experience the benefits we’ve outlined above.